L29-33 - Poster, Video, Blog and Log Book

10. Research Project Presentation – Poster, Video, Blog and Log Book  
* Communicate research findings using the language of science
$ Present project findings with suitable structure (Poster / Video / Blog / Log Book) 


Introduction (5 mins)
+ Highlight to students that they need to present their research findings through various methods.

Development (40 mins)
+ Students will be given clear instructions for submission of Video, Blog, Poster and Log Book. + Students will be given samples and template.
+ Students will be given samples HERE:
+ Students will start to prepare their Videos, Blog, Posters and Log Book in class with the guidance from teachers.
+ Each team of students will divide their work so that they can complete their tasks as early as possible.
+ After their Videos and Posters are completed, students will upload them in their own Google Blog. 

The video should have the following components, although you are free to be creative. 

Introduction and motivation: 
Explain what motivated you to carry out your project.

Provide information that typical listeners will need in order to understand what you did. 

Design and procedures: 
Explain what you built or used in order to investigate your question.

Results and analysis: 
Explain the data or results you obtained, and whether or not they are significant.

Provide final comments you would like to make, including thanks and acknowledgements. 

+ For Blog:              http://sst2016-s204iss-e.blogspot.sg/ 
The Blog should basically have all the components as shown in the sample blog above. 

+ For Poster:           http://sst2016-s204iss-e.blogspot.sg/p/annex-d-poster-presentation.html 

The poster should include the following:
A 100-word summary of the whole project, including its purpose, method, main findings, and conclusions(s).
What the project is about, why it was chosen, why it is important, and what you hope to achieve from your investigation.
Theoretical Background
What scientific concepts are you applying in your project? What background information have you gathered before starting the project?
Describe in detail the steps in your study or investigation.
Results and Discussion
What data were collected from the study / experiments?
How did you analyse the data collected? What can you deduce from your experiments? Tables, graphs or charts would improve your presentation.
What significant conclusions can you make from your findings? What are the applications or usefulness of your work? What further investigations can your team or other investigators do as a follow-up?
The listing should include the author’s name, year of publication, title of publication, relevant chapters/pages (if applicable), publisher.

Although you will be submitting the Blog as a jpeg file in the Blog, please keep your "pages" format on your computer. 

You may need to make minor changes in the future when your poster may be sent for printing. 

Conclusion (5 mins)
+ Remind the students that they are to submit their artefacts by Lesson 31. 

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